
Founded in 2004 in East Yorkshire, Wot a Pullet started as a free-range egg production company, with 20,000 commercial layers.

As our business grew, obtaining the quality and uniformity of pullets that we needed became a major frustration, and this led to the start of our own rearing facilities.


Seeing a marked improvement in pullet quality, we invested heavily in modern rearing facilities, and started to rear for other laying farms.

  • Consistently hitting high standards
  • Investing back into the business
  • Ensuring we have the best facilities in the country

The Wot A Pullet

We staff all our rearing farms with our own carefully selected and trained, full-time employees – a team who share our commitment to preparing the healthiest and most consistent pullets for our customers.

Matthew Green

Commercial Director

“In pursuit of maximum control over pullet quality, we own all the assets and directly employ all of our staff, who are all committed to one single objective – the best pullets”

Outstanding uniformity for excellent early egg production and improved feed efficiency

Running our own laying farms means we stay up to speed with the ever-changing demands of the industry. We have never compromised on the cost of producing the pullet, as we know that the first 16 weeks of a laying hen’s life are so crucial. Therefore, it is so important that we do our job right.


Looking to the future, we want to continue to supply the very best quality to our customers. To do this we need to continue to invest in staff, facilities, and technology, ensuring that we are as efficient as possible.

Whatever your requirements, we’re always on hand to help, so please call 01423 781616, email info@wotapullet.co.uk or use our enquiry form.

Novogen Brown

The NOVOgen BROWN is a brown bird with white under-feathers, which produces brown eggs.


It is recognised as being the most capable of adapting to your environment. Being calm in nature, it combines ease of management with performance.

Free Range
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 316
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 357
Average egg size to 72 weeks 65.8g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 66.1g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 19.9g
Egg mass to 80 weeks 22.6kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 120g
Body weight at 18 weeks 1500g
Laying period (72 wks.) 94.6%
Laying period (80 wks.) 93.8%

Novogen Brown Light

The NOVOgen BROWN LIGHT is a brown bird with white under-feathers, which produces brown eggs.


High production potential with excellent egg quality. Calm and easy to breed, the NOVOgen BROWN LIGHT is the bird you are looking for to optimise profits.

Free Range
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 319
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 361
Average egg size to 72 weeks 64.7g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 65.1g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 19.6g
Egg mass to 80 weeks 21.0kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 119g
Body weight at 18 weeks 1480g
Laying period (72 wks.) 94.6%
Laying period (80 wks.) 93.8%

Novogen White

The NOVOgen WHITE has been selected to be capable of realising its production potential under the most varied of production conditions.


Easy to breed and not requiring any particular breeding techniques, you will be satisfied with the high production potential and excellent internal and external egg quality of the NOVOgen WHITE.

Free Range
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 323
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 366
Average egg size to 72 weeks 65.5g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 65.9g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 20.0kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 22.9kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 113g
Body weight at 18 weeks 1250g
Laying period (72 wks.) 94.5%
Laying period (80 wks.) 93.7%

Novogen White Light

The NOVOgen WHITE LIGHT has been selected to be capable of realising its production potential under the most varied of production conditions.


Easy to breed and not requiring any particular breeding techniques, you will be satisfied with the high production potential and excellent internal and external egg quality of the NOVOgen WHITE LIGHT.

Free Range
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 326
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 371
Average egg size to 72 weeks 64.1g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 64.5g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 19.8kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 22.6kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 111g
Body weight at 18 weeks 1230g
Laying period (72 wks.) 94.5%
Laying period (80 wks.) 93.7%


The Warren is the result of extensive consultation and focused research into the best solution for the rapidly expanding free range sector in the UK. Bred from proven Hendrix lines, it is set to become the champion of free range.


The Warren will be slightly larger framed with all the advantages of modern hybrid egg quality, productivity, and performance. Resilient and well behaved, no matter what it encounters, the Warren is ready for the rigours of the range.

Free Range
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 316
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 359
Average egg size to 72 weeks 64.8g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 65.0g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 20.1kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 22.9kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 129g
Body weight at 16 weeks 1452
Laying period (72 wks.) 95.8%
Laying period (80 wks.) 95.2%

H&N Brown

Genetics and research staff at H&N have worked for many years to produce a layer with an excellent performance.


This was achieved by a balanced selection procedure, taking many traits into account, such as egg production rate, liveability, feed efficiency and egg quality, which are all major factors in determining the profitability for an egg producer.

H&N Brown
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 368
Average egg size to 72 weeks 62.9g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 63.4g
Egg mass to 72 weeks
Egg mass to 80 weeks 23.3kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 113 – 118g
Body weight at 16 weeks 1596g
Rearing 96-98%
Laying period (72 wks.) 90-95%
Laying period (80 wks.) 90-95%

Hy-Line White W80

Robust, Prolific, Strong Performance in Alternative Systems, Long Single-Cycle Lay


The Hy-Line W-80 is a robust white egg layer for all housing systems and environments. This bird delivers prolific egg numbers, excellent egg shell strength, and strong performance under challenging environments and low-density feed rations.



The W-80 is adaptable to alternative production systems and remains calm for easy management. For markets requiring a larger egg size, the W-80 Plus gives producers the same great traits with an egg weight profile two grams heavier.



Its persistency for long single-cycle lay means more eggs on five grams less feed. Producers gain more profitability with a feed savings of approximately two kilograms per bird per year versus competing brands.

Free Range
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 329.3
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 373
Average egg size to 72 weeks 63.9g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 64.4g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 19.6kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 22.4kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 104.5gms
Body weight at 16 weeks 1210gms
Rearing 97.0%
Laying period (72 wks.) 92.6%
Laying period (80 wks.) 91.7%

Hy-Line Plus

Prolific Producer, Rich Brown Eggs, Increased egg weight of up to 2 grams


The Hy-Line Brown Plus has all the benefits of the Hy-Line Brown with increased egg weight of up to 2 grams. The Hy-Line Brown is the world's most balanced brown egg layer. She produces over 355 rich brown eggs to 80 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size. These traits combined with an excellent temperament, unrivalled feed efficiency, the best interior egg quality in the market and unbeatable liveability and feather cover, plus enhanced egg weight give the Hy-Line Brown Plus the perfect balance for Enriched Colony and Alternative production systems, which means more profit for the poultry producer.


With the Hy-Line Brown's superior performance and world beating efficiencies it's the perfect choice for a more profitable future.

Hyline Brown Hyline Plus
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 337.7 323.3
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 382.5 365.7
Average egg size to 72 weeks 63.9% 66.6g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 64.0% 67.0g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 20.8kg 20.8kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 23.7kg 23.7kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 117.9gms 117.9gms
Body weight at 17 weeks 1460gms 1460gms
Rearing 98.1% 98.1%
Laying period (72 wks.) 96.2% 96.2%
Laying period (80 wks.) 95.0% 95.0%

Lohmann Brown Classic

The Lohmann Brown is the leading layer in the UK market.


With a reputation for persistent production, excellent shell strength and good temperament, it is ideally suited to long laying cycles, giving high numbers of first quality, saleable eggs with attractive brown shells.

Free Range Colony
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 308.2 316.1
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 349.5 357.1
Average egg size to 72 weeks 63.4g 63.2g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 63.8g 63.7g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 19.53kg 19.98kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 22.32kg 22.91kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 125 - 130g 110 - 117g
Body weight at 16 weeks 1380g 1380g
Rearing 97 - 98% 97 - 98%
Laying period (72 wks.) 92 - 95% 93 - 95%
Laying period (80 wks.) 90 - 92% 92 - 95%

Dekalb White

Perfectly adapted to the needs of modern commercial egg production, the DeKalb White has been bred to be a profitable high performance breed, set to be a natural choice for professional egg producers of the future.


Combining excellent liveability, extended production cycles, superb persistency and an excellent feed conversion ratio, the DeKalb White consistently produces high numbers of first quality eggs, per hen housed.


DeKalb White eggs are strong shelled with excellent internal quality, making them suitable for both table eggs and egg processing markets.

Free Range
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 331
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 376
Average egg size to 72 weeks 65.1g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 65.5g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 20.4kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 23.4kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 114g
Body weight at 16 weeks
Laying period (72 wks.) 95.0%
Laying period (80 wks.) 94.3%

Bovans Brown

The result of a balanced breeding programme, the Bovans Brown is a highly versatile and robust layer.


A combination of high peak production, great laying persistency, and a flat egg weight curve ensures that the Bovans Brown produces high numbers of first quality dark brown eggs.


Adaptable and easy to manage, the robustness of the Bovans Brown allows it to adjust well to different climates, management programmes and housing systems.

Free Range Colony
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 321 332
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 365 376
Average egg size to 72 weeks 65.6g 65.6g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 65.8g 65.8g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 20.4kg 21.0kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 23.3kg 23.9kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 124g 116g
Body weight at 16 weeks 1350g 1350g
Rearing 98% 98%
Laying period (72 wks.) 95% 96.8%
Laying period (80 wks.) 94.3% 96.4%

Isa Brown

The ISA Brown is recognised globally for its exceptional feed conversion, which makes it one of the most efficient, proven and profitable brown egg layers in the world.


Producing high numbers of first quality eggs, per hen housed, the ISA Brown is a reliable and versatile layer with excellent feed conversion, which adapts well to differing climates and housing systems.


Optimal egg size, strong shells and great laying persistency also make the ISA Brown perfectly suitable for longer laying cycles.

Free Range Colony
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 316 330
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 359 373
Average egg size to 72 weeks 65.8% 65.8g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 66.0% 66.0g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 20.3kg 21.1kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 23.1kg 24.0kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 124g 115g
Body weight at 16 weeks 1350 1350
Rearing 98.0% 98.0%
Laying period (72 wks.) 94.7% 95.8%
Laying period (80 wks.) 92.7% 95.9%

Shaver Brown

The Shaver Brown is a highly efficient and balanced brown egg layer, producing a large volume of medium and large sized brown eggs with strong shells and good internal quality.


The Shaver Brown has a low feed intake combined with a high peak production and great laying persistency.


The supreme Shaver Brown is a reliable, efficient and profitable bird for all egg producers.

Free Range Colony
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 317 330
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 360 372
Average egg size to 72 weeks 65.0g 65.0g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 65.1g 65.1g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 20.1kg 20.8kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 22.9kg 23.6kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 126g 116g
Body weight at 16 weeks 1350 1350
Rearing 98.0% 98.0%
Laying period (72 wks.) 95% 95.9%
Laying period (80 wks.) 94.3% 95.3%

Hy-Line Brown

Prolific Producer, Rich Brown Eggs, Hardy Layer


The Hy-Line Brown is the world's most balanced brown egg layer. She produces over 355 rich brown eggs to 80 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size. These traits combined with an excellent temperament, unrivalled feed efficiency, the best interior egg quality in the market and unbeatable liveability and feather cover give the Hy-Line Brown the perfect balance for both Enriched Colony and Alternative production systems, which means more profit for the poultry producer.


With the Hy-Line Brown's superior performance and world beating efficiencies it's the perfect choice for a more profitable future.

Hyline Brown Hyline Plus
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 337.7 323.3
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 382.5 365.7
Average egg size to 72 weeks 63.9% 66.6g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 64.0% 67.0g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 20.8kg 20.8kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 23.7kg 23.7kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 117.9gms 117.9gms
Body weight at 17 weeks 1460gms 1460gms
Rearing 98.1% 98.1%
Laying period (72 wks.) 96.2% 96.2%
Laying period (80 wks.) 95.0% 95.0%

Lohmann Brown Lite

Similar in performance and behaviour to the Classic, the Lohmann Brown Lite produces the typical Lohmann egg colour and shell.


With an average egg size approximately 1.5g less than the Classic, the Lite produces a higher percentage of medium eggs. It’s good laying performance and shell breaking strength of over 35 Newtons make it suitable for a variety of management systems.

Free Range Colony
Eggs per hen housed to 72 weeks 311.2 319.6
Eggs per hen housed to 80 weeks 354.0 362.8
Average egg size to 72 weeks 61.1g 61.0g
Average egg size to 80 weeks 61.6g 61.5g
Egg mass to 72 weeks 19.01kg 19.48kg
Egg mass to 80 weeks 21.81kg 22.46kg
Average daily feed intake per bird 124 - 129g 110 - 116g
Body weight at 16 weeks 1360g 1360g
Rearing 97 - 98% 97 - 98%
Laying period (72 wks.) 92 - 95% 93 - 96%
Laying period (80 wks.) 90 - 92% 92 - 95%

Matthew Green

Matthew Green

Commercial Director

Sculptor turned shepherd turned poultry farmer. A straight career path, commonly followed by many others!


Although Matthew graduated in Fine Art, he was inspired to farm by spending time on his then girlfriend (now his wife’s) farm. Matthew set up a sheep contracting business and looked after flocks all over North and East Yorkshire, and Lincolnshire before becoming head shepherd on Warter Estate. A tenancy on a grass farm followed, where he built up a 1000 strong flock of ewes and 20 suckler cows, before Matthew and business partner, Jim Bloom, branched out into free range eggs in 2004.


The egg enterprise, Wot-An-Egg, grew quickly and in 2008, Matthew and Jim started rearing their own pullets and selling the surplus, and Wot-A-Pullet was born.

Alex Calvert

Alex Calvert

Sales and Planning Manager

Alex deals with all aspects of planning, from ordering chicks to arranging transport for pullets.


Alex is an Essex lad who moved to Yorkshire to forge a career in the poultry industry having previously worked in retail. He graduated from Loughborough University in June 2015 after studying Sports Management. He then took the opportunity to pursue a career in the poultry industry and hasn't looked back since.

Kevin Morley

Kevin Morley

Production Director

Northumbrian born and bred, Kevin was brought up around the Scottish borders (on the English side). His first job was as an apprentice painter and decorator before moving on to working on a dairy farm.


He joined the Army for eight years before beginning his career in the poultry industry in 1998, later joining Wot-An-Egg and Wot-A-Pullet in 2014.

Emma McCune

Emma McCune

Sales & Servicing – Cumbria, Scotland, N.Yorkshire

Growing up on a beef and sheep farm in Cumbria, Emma knew from an early age that she wanted to work in the agricultural sector. After her parents set up a free-range egg unit, Emma discovered an interest in the poultry sector. Following a brief period working at a local veterinary practice near Carlisle, Emma joined the Wot A Pullet team in May 2021, where her role involves sales, deliveries, and service visits.

Jordan Tweedale

Jordan Tweedale

Sales & Servicing – Wales, Midlands Central

After growing up on a beef farm in Devon, Jordan began her FdSc in Agriculture at Harper Adams University, and followed this with her BSc at Aberystwyth University. During this time, she spent time travelling Australia and New Zealand, and worked on a mixed farm in mid Wales which inspired her interest in the poultry industry.


After graduating, she began work as a Pullet Sales and Service Manager, and started working for Wot a Pullet in Summer 2020, supporting producers throughout Wales, the West and the Midlands.

Peter Rogerson

Peter Rogerson

National Sales Manager

Peter grew up on his parents’ poultry farm in Northumberland, where they had circa 30K layers. The eggs were all packed on farm and were sold around the local area to milkmen, butchers, hotels etc.


He attended The West of Scotland Agricultural College in the early 1980’s to gain practical experience and a certificate in Poultry husbandry.


Peter returned home to work with his parents and subsequently take over the running of the business until around 2009, when the decision was taken to sell the egg packing side of the business to a larger local egg packer. One year was spent working for them whilst merging the two businesses.


Then, a new career was embarked upon, firstly in 2011 working for Tom Barron Hatcheries, then from 2015 at Joice & Hill Poultry, promoting and selling day old chicks and giving technical support to producers. Then in 2021, joining Wot a Pullet as National Sales Manager.


“My goal is to see the business go from strength to strength, to maintain existing and develop new business, whilst maintaining and improving our pullet quality.”