29 May Meet Donna Kennedy
Our Relief Farm and Contract Liaison Manager – Donna Kennedy has a vital role, acting as Relief Rearing Farm Manager across four of our farms and supporting our contract farmers.

Based in Driffield, Donna Kennedy has a vital role, acting as Relief Rearing Farm Manager across four of our farms and supporting our contract farmers.
Growing up on a mainly beef and arable farm, Donna’s family raised turkeys every Christmas and she had her own backyard laying flock – so poultry has been part of her life since childhood.
After studying at Myerscough College, and then Bishop Burton, Donna began work for a feed company whilst building up a layer flock with her then husband, finally leaving the feed company to focus on egg production. Post-covid, egg production was extremely challenging, and Donna decided to join Wot a Pullet and put her poultry experience into the rearing sector.
Her role keeps her very busy, splitting her time between maintaining the vital routines at the rearing farms and providing administrative support to contract rearing farms.
“We offer fair contracts and generous rates for poultry space” Donna says “To meet growing demand, we are always looking for good stock people, with their own space to convert to rearing farms. We make the process as simple as possible, and I am always on hand to provide help and advice.”